
Kasu Tours are experiences where human rights, the environment, and social equality are respected. We are cognisant of the vulnerability of our planet and encourage our guests to protect it through their approach to economic, social, environmental and wildlife issues.
Our five sustainability targets:

  1. Conserve water
    Much of the world suffers from a shortage of clean water so we encourage our guests to reuse hotel towels, take short showers and turn off the tap.
  2. Reduce waste
    We ditch the plastic bag, refuse unnecessary packaging, dispose of waste responsibly. and recycle as much as possible.
  3. Go local
    We enjoy locally owned and operated restaurants and businesses. We shop in the local markets and stores and directly with makers. We utilise the expertise of local guides when booking tours or activities.
  4. Care about wildlife
    We have a ‘look but don’t touch’ approach to wildlife activities and avoid any attractions that involve ‘performance’, riding or closely engaging with wild animals.
  5. Respect for the local people and culture
    Along with obeying local laws, we expect our guests to dress and behave in a manner appropriate to the community. (We can advise on this)
    Through the duration of the tours, our guests learn about the people’s way of life, and are encouraged to be polite and keep an open mind. Our interaction with locals, including children, is respectful and appropriate.

Kasu Tours has a zero tolerance approach to child exploitation or abuse. We recognise that it is the shared responsibility of all adults to prevent child exploitation and abuse.

We do not support businesses or organisations that, to our knowledge, exploit children in any way including commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labour and harmful traditional practices, such as child marriage.